Brief Biography: Wenjie Qi is a Ph.D student in Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), he obtained the B.S degree in Electronic Information Science from Changsha University of Science and Technology (CSUST).

He currently focuses on researching computer systems and architecture, including Zoned Namespace (ZNS) SSD, File System, and Mobile Storage.

[ICCD] Wenjie Qi, Zhipeng Tan, Ziyue Zhang, Jing Zhang, Chao Yu, Ying Yuan, Shikai Tan, "BlzFS: Crash Consistent Log-structured File System Based on Byte-loggable Zone for ZNS SSD", Proceedings of the 41st IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD), 2023. (CCF B)

[DATE] Ying Yuan, Zhipeng Tan, Shitong Wei, Lihua Yang, Wenjie Qi, Xuanzhi Wang, Cong Liu, "TPP: Accelerate Application Launch via Two-Phase Prefetching on Smartphone", Proceedings of the 26th Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), 2023. (CCF B)

[DATE] Xinyan Zhang, Zhipeng Tan, Dan Feng, Qiang He, Wan Ju, Jiang Hao, Ji Zhang, Lihua Yang, Wenjie Qi, "Multidimensional Features Helping Predict Failures in Production SSD-Based Consumer Storage Systems", Proceedings of the 26th Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), 2023. (CCF B)

[ICCD] Wenjie Qi, Zhipeng Tan, Jicheng Shao, Lihua Yang, Yang Xiao, "InDeF: An Advanced Defragmenter Supporting Migration Offloading on ZNS SSD", Proceedings of the 40th IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD), 2022. (CCF B)
[Paper] [Slides]

[BUG] f2fs: fix NULL pointer dereference in f2fs_submit_page_write(), Signed-off-by: Wenjie Qi (

[PATCH] f2fs: fix zoned block device information initialization, Signed-off-by: Wenjie Qi (

See more details in Linux kernel mainline

[Scholarship] Academic Achievement Scholarship, 2023

[Prize] Merit Student, HUST, 2023

[Scholarship] Annual Academic Contribution Award of Key Laboratory of Information Storage Systems, Ministry of Education, China, 2023

[Scholarship] Academic Achievement Scholarship, 2022

[Prize] Excellent Postgraduate Cadre, 2022

[Prize] Outstanding Paper Award at the Annual Graduate Student Academic Conference of Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics (WNLO), 2022

[Scholarship] Academic Achievement Scholarship, 2021

[Prize] Outstanding CYL Member, 2020

[Scholarship] Academic Achievement Scholarship, 2020

[Scholarship] Academic Achievement Scholarship, 2019

11/2023 "BlzFS: Crash Consistent Log-structured File System Based on Byte-loggable Zone for ZNS SSD", paper presentation in the 41st IEEE International Conference on Computer Design, 2023 Washington D.C., USA
10/2022 "InDeF: An Advanced Defragmenter Supporting Migration Offloading on ZNS SSD", paper presentation in the 40th IEEE International Conference on Computer Design, 2022 Lake Tahoe, California, USA